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000016_dingebre@xmission.com_Sun Nov 27 10:57:56 PST 1994.msg
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Article: 268 of comp.graphics.packages.lightwave
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From: dingebre@xmission.com (David Ingebretsen)
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.packages.lightwave
Subject: Re: LightWave 4.0 Delays
Date: 27 Nov 1994 02:37:03 -0700
Organization: XMission Public Access Internet (801-539-0900)
Lines: 35
Distribution: na
Message-ID: <3b9jvv$fou@xmission.xmission.com>
References: <1fc65d78.1d8eecab@amuc.mtroyal.ab.ca> <9411270007.AA000te@agog.demon.co.uk> <3b8n25$618@sundog.tiac.net> <3b9hdj$qtb@nnrp.ucs.ubc.ca>
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James Douglas MacLeod (jmacleod@unixg.ubc.ca) wrote:
: I would guess so. They are not going to ignore the Amigas, but if you
: were a toaster user and you used lightwave, and you wanted to buy a new
: computer to render, what are you going to buy? Another amiga? That would
: be a waste of money. I would bet on a lot of amiga users buying the PC
: version for rendering and well, everything.
You have a right to your opinion but an Amiga purchase is not necessarily
a waste. My company has too much invested in Amiga hardware and software
to dump it and migrate to other hardware. In fact, we are looking for
another Amiga to help in rendering at this time. And if we were to
migrate, we would go with a DEC Alpha or some such over a PC. MUCH, MUCH
faster than a Pentium and the prices are becomming more affordable
(besides, it doesn't have a bug in its FPU :) ).
: The PC version of LW is going to sell very well. Myself and at least 6
: other people I know are going to buy the PC version of LW. Otherwise we
: would not be using it. Not becuase I hate the amiga, I just dont have
: access to one anymore. I used to have four :(
: NT, screamerNet, and multiply processors is going to give peole a lot of
: flexibility.
: The NT version of LW is going to be very popular.
I hope it is. I also hope that NewTek isn't too quick to abandon its Amiga
user base. There will be many of them (us) for some time to come
regardless of what happens to the Amiga technology.
David M. Ingebretsen *** Binary Illusions / 3D Physics ***
dingebre@xmission.xmission.com *** Animation and more ***